In addition to the graduate degree and advanced certificate offerings of the Field-based Graduate Program in Education, the Professional Development Outreach Center (PDOC) is also an important component of the mission of our program campus. It offers schools, supervisory unions, non-profit and for-profit organizations, and independent consultants the ability to provide accredited professional development opportunities, as the specific and unique needs arise. Our purpose is multiple:
to enable school districts and other institutions the ability to provide flexible learning opportunities for their faculty and staff;
to act as a catalyst for developing creative options for in-service experiences;
and to serve as a crediting agency for professional development experiences designed specifically to enhance or achieve an institution's long term goals.
Our Philosophy
Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) has had a long-standing commitment to providing innovative, flexible programs for adult students, particularly those whose educational needs are underserved. In addition to providing Field-Based (Off-Campus and On-Location) graduate degree Programs in Education, the Professional Development Outreach Center is another option for offering a flexible structure for professionals in the field to participate in lifelong learning experiences that match their needs. SNHU can provide some of those experiences but is aware that colleagues, administration, independent consultants and other service providers may better serve that same purpose at times.
Areas of Focus
Although the origin of the Professional Development Outreach Center was in the area of education, it has grown beyond that field. Professionals in other fields, including Community Mental Health, and Business as well as the Arts and Sciences, have used the Professional Development Outreach Center as a vehicle for their students and staffs to gain additional knowledge and experiences in their chosen field. The number of credits given for any activity is dependent on the length of the class or activity offered. Specific policies and procedures are outlined at the time an organization chooses to use the Center as the crediting agency for an activity. Southern New Hampshire University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

Past and Present Partners
Through our Professional Development Outreach Center, we are pleased to have had the opportunity to work collaboratively with over 50 educational partners over the past fifteen years, including the following:
RETN, South Burlington, VT
Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union, Richford, VT
Caledonia North Supervisory Union, Lyndonville, VT
St. Johnsbury Academy, St. Johnsbury, VT
The Rowland Foundation
Center for School Success, West Lebanon, NH
Washington West Supervisory Union, Waitsfield, VT
Hartford School District, White River Junction, VT
Idioma Education & Consulting, Andover, MA
School Admin Unit 70, Hanover, NH
The Knowles Teacher Initiative
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV, Grove City, PA
Franklin West Supervisory Union, Fairfax, VT
Chittenden Central Supervisory Union, Essex Junction, VT
Mosaic Learning Center, South Burlington, VT
Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union, Bethel, VT
Orange-Windsor Supervisory Union, South Royalton, VT
Orange East Supervisory Union, Bradford, VT
Education First, Inc., Cambridge, MA
South East Vermont Learning Cooperative, Brattleboro, VT
Windham Central Supervisory Union, Townshend, VT
Milton Town School District, Milton, VT
Vermont NEA, Montpelier, VT
Mount Mansfield Union High School, Jericho, VT
U32, Montpelier, VT
Designing Original Coursework That Fits Your Organization's Needs
Embedded, experiential, innovative professional development opportunities are what enable educational professionals achieve exciting developments in their professional practice. The Professional Development Outreach Center specializes in partnering with all types of organizations to create original coursework designed to advance innovations in professional practice within the field of education and leadership. Philosophically, we believe that professional development activities need to be flexible and creative in order to meet the unique needs of particular organizations, professional groups, and existing learning cultures.
Our Professional Development and Outreach Center provides a vehicle for developing uniquely designed coursework of varying lengths that support the goals of local schools or educational organizations. The number of credits given for any activity is dependent on the length of the class or activity offered. Specific policies and procedures are outlined at the time an organization chooses to use the Center as the crediting agency for an activity. Professional Development Outreach Courses are fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Original courses are developed together; organizations pay a contract tuition rate per credit, per student. Generally, our partnerships adhere to the following guidelines:
Responsibilities of our Partners
Development of the original course/workshop, with support from Center staff as needed.
Securing qualified instructor(s) to deliver the course. Each instructor must have at least a Master's degree and demonstrate expertise in adult learning.
Submission of the Course Approval Form and Course Outline to our Center staff.
Advertising and marketing of the course.
Enrollment, registration and all correspondence relating to the course (registration materials are provided by the Professional Development Outreach Center).
Acceptance of course tuition payments.
Adherence to our Partnership Agreement and all University Policies and Procedures.
Services Provided by the Professional Development Outreach Center Staff
Assistance in developing and translating professional development opportunities into between one and six credit courses.
Review and Approval of Instructor Vitae's and reference materials.
Accreditation of courses approved for implementation.
Registration materials and grade finalization and transcription
Grade report dissemination to students.
Support to access transcripts when needed.
We're always looking to assist more partners! For more information on how we might work together, please contact us at 802-489-5080 - or please email us at