UP for Learning & SNHU - Academic Partnership

Our Partnership

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is proud to partner with and support UP For Learning as they seek to empower youth and adults to reimagine and transform education together.  Both SNHU and UP for Learning value the importance of equity and justice in education and the guiding principles of shared responsibility, starting from strengths, open dialogue, and data driven change are cornerstones within our organizations. Through our partnership, UP for Learning's suite of graduate and undergraduate courses are aligned to both graduate-level or undergraduate-level credit through Southern New Hampshire University.


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Course Offerings

The following UP for Learning courses are aligned to Southern New Hampshire University credit.  Click on each title to learn more.  If you are interested in registering for a course, would like to review a full syllabus, or have additional questions about these courses please contact: info@upforlearning.org

Leadership Coursework (Graduate-Level)

Course Description:
This graduate course is designed to support Emerging Leaders Forum (ELF) adult partners as you work with your youth partners and school teams to further develop skills as an agent of change in the work of leading yourself, leading with others, and changing your world. During two Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings in addition to the multi-school gatherings - along with on-going communications through a virtual network - ELF adult partners will build their own skills and the means to best support their youth partners and school teams. These gatherings are rich opportunities to solidify your network of support, refine your skills and to be energized by our shared mission. In order to accomplish this, the class will form its own supportive and generative adult Professional Learning Community.

SNHU Course Code: EDLD 502UP

Course Description:
This graduate course is designed to support “Youth and Adults Transforming Schools Together” (YATST) Advisors as you work with your school teams to strengthen student engagement in learning and increase voice in decision making. During three Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, YATST advisors will build action research skills and the means to best support their school teams. These gatherings are rich opportunities to solidify your network of support, refine your skills and to be energized by our shared mission. In order to accomplish this, the class will form its own supportive and generative adult Professional Learning Community.

SNHU Course Code: EDLD 503UP

Course Description:
Advisors enrolling in the second year of the seminar (YATST 2) will be expected to serve as mentors for first year Advisors. Mentoring responsibilities, along with continuing to reach outcomes related to school transformation, include: sharing past experience and reflection, offering effective tools and strategies for planning and problem solving and being available to mentees between Seminar / PLC meetings.

SNHU Course Code: EDLD 504UP

Course Description:
The central goal of this course to shift the culture of the school through the use of restorative practices. In order for this shift to occur, youth and adults must be at the table in a true partnership. This learning community is unique in that youth will sit side-by-side with adults as they work together to craft and implement a culture shift in their schools that supports equitable opportunities, engagement and empowerment. This learning community will support middle and high schools at all phases of implementation, learning and growth through the creation of a learning community.

SNHU Course Code: EDLD 505UP

Teaching Strategies Coursework (Graduate-Level)

Course Description:
Welcome to Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability. The goal of Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability is to connect the promising efforts of Act 77 - personalized learning, flexible pathways to graduation - to that of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. School teams will link what is going on inside of their classrooms to larger efforts toward making a difference. This statewide effort will connect educators and students through a range of sustainability work that can shift.

SNHU Course Code: EDTS 500UP

Course Description:
Navigating our new educational environment has left many youth and adults feeling disconnected and overwhelmed this school year. When students develop the skills to recognize, understand, and address their own needs, they are better able to take risks as learners, and are more confident in their abilities to contribute to the learning community. No matter the landscape (virtual, hybrid or in person), a strong advisory will increase self-awareness, agency, empowerment, and empathy-building. In this webinar series, we will explore individual values and strengths to build caring and collaborative relationships that will positively impact the classroom and the school community. Concrete strategies and a resource guide you can implement immediately will be provided.

SNHU Course Code: EDTS 508UP

Leadership Coursework (Undergraduate-Level)

Course Description:
This course is designed to support Emerging Leaders Forum (ELF) youth partners as you work with your adult partners and school teams to further develop skills as an agent of change in the work of leading yourself, leading with others, and changing your world. During regular meetings at your school in addition to the multi-school gatherings in the fall, winter and spring - along with on-going communications through a virtual network - ELF youth partners will build their own skills and the means to best support their adult partners and school teams. These gatherings are rich opportunities to solidify your network of support, refine your skills and to be energized by our shared mission. In order to accomplish this, the class will form its own supportive and generative Youth Learning Community (YLC).

SNHU Course Code: EDLD 402UP

Course Description:
This undergraduate course is designed to support the Youth and Adults Transforming Schools Together (YATST) student members as you work to strengthen student engagement in learning, increase student voice in decision-making and foster strong youth-adult partnership through this work. During monthly Seminar meetings, you will build action research skills and the means to best support your team. These gatherings are rich opportunities to solidify your network of support, refine your skills and to be energized by our shared mission. In order to accomplish this, the class will form its own supportive and generative learning community.

SNHU Course Code: EDTS 403UP

University Details

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is a private, non-profit university accredited by the New England Commission on Higher Education. You can check with your school or district official for applicability, and SNHU staff are happy to discuss course accreditation with your district representatives.

At the end of your course experience, UP for Learning will provide SNHU with student information and final grades.  SNHU will post your grade on your official university Academic Record within five business days.  Directions for accessing your mySNHU portal to download grade reports and ordering transcripts can be requested by contacting CourseCredit@snhu.edu.

It is important to note, the term that will show on your SNHU transcript will reflect the 8-week university term your course completed within.